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About Us

Our Vision

Improving women’s lives through better health during mid-life and beyond.

Our Mission

The Women’s Mid-Life Health Program helps women in several ways by providing a variety of resources to:




women who are approaching menopause (called peri-menopause)


women who are in the post-menopausal phase of life


referring physicians


other associated health care professionals such as pharmacy, nutrition, nursing, medical and nursing students.

Our Program helps women to make informed decisions about their mid-life health by:


exploring options to manage their peri/post menopausal symptoms


promoting healthy lifestyle choices to prevent disease



identifying women at higher risk of disease through appropriate screening


providing diagnosis and optimal treatment


Our Program is committed to providing:

1. Education, information, assessment, diagnosis and treatment for women who have been referred by their family doctor, nurse practitioner or naturopathic medicine doctor

2. Community education and information about menopause (peri and post) through free public forums and at your work-place.

3. Information and learning opportunities for clinicians and students of other health related areas.

4. Participation in research.

5. Collaboration with other health care-giving agencies.

6. Collaboration and information-sharing with other national and international menopause clinics.

7. Commitment to maintaining the most current research-based knowledge about women’s health

• Annually our doctors and nurse attend the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) conference and other conferences including the International Menopause Society Conference and Sigma (Special Interest Group Menopause and Aging). They are NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioners.

The services provided by the Program enhance the continuing care provided by family physicians and specialists.

Improving Women's Lives Through Better Health in Mid-Life and Beyond

About Women's Mid-Life Health Program

Improving women’s lives through better health during mid-life and beyond.

Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been a member of The North American Menopause Society since 2003.


What's New
Support, Inform, Inspire
Our Vision & Mission
and how we can help
Referral Clinic
Getting More Information
Our most often asked questions - Answered!
Health Issues
Addressing common Health Issues related to mid- life health
Helpful Books & Websites
Language Resources

Location and Contact Information
Office Hours
Ask Us Form


Since 2011, the Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been funded by the Saskatoon Health Region. However we still need to raise funds for our on-going programs, workshops, events and newsletters. We greatly appreciate your generous support of all these initiatives that bring awareness, health information and improved life to many.

Donations will be processed through and tax receipts issued by Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation according to Revenue Canada Guidelines. Charitable registration #11914 0739 RR 0001.


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