Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should I Stay on Hormone Therapy?

The current recommendation of the North American Menopause Society is that HT be used for as short a time as necessary to control hot flashes (vasomotor symptoms), sleep disturbance, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and vaginal aging.

The goal of HT is to use the least amount of estrogen (with or without progesterone) to reduce your symptoms. The dose and how long it is taken will depend on each woman’s risks, benefits and her response to the therapy. Determining the most appropriate dose may take some time and should be evaluated regularly until you find the right dose for you. Once that is found, it is recommended that you review your HT with your doctor every year at your annual physical.

Improving Women's Lives Through Better Health in Mid-Life and Beyond

About Women's Mid-Life Health Program

Improving women’s lives through better health during mid-life and beyond.

Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been a member of The North American Menopause Society since 2003.


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Since 2011, the Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been funded by the Saskatoon Health Region. However we still need to raise funds for our on-going programs, workshops, events and newsletters. We greatly appreciate your generous support of all these initiatives that bring awareness, health information and improved life to many.

Tax receipts will be issued according to Revenue Canada Guidelines. Charitable registration #11914 0739 RR 0001.


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