Frequently Asked Questions
Menopause can occur at any point as women age, but most commonly transition into menopause between age 45 and 55. Many factors can influence when menopause begins, such as family history of menopause and smoking.
There are Three Types of Menopause:
- Natural Menopause occurs naturally as women age. This gradual ending of the menstrual period is not caused by an illness, disease or interference.
- Surgical Menopause
When the ovaries are removed (bilateral oophorectomy) menopause occurs immediately.
Women who have had their uterus removed (hysterectomy) but their ovaries are left in place may experience menopause around 2-3 years earlier than the average age.
Chemotherapy can also activate menopause earlier. These symptoms may be temporary and the functions of the ovaries may return, including a menstrual cycle. Sometimes the ovaries are surgically removed to stop their biological function of releasing hormones, especially in cases of hormone sensitive cancers.
- Premature Menopause occurs when a women experiences menopause under the age of 40, either naturally or surgically. The main cause for premature menopause is unknown, but studies suggest that autoimmune diseases, genetics, injury of the ovarian tissues and chemotherapy may contribute to the cause.
For more information:
Sigma Canadian Menopause Society
North American Menopause Society
Improving Women's Lives Through Better Health in Mid-Life and Beyond