Health Issues
Osteoporosis Canada
Filled with information on physical activity, calcium and vitamin D, calcium rich recipes, as well as links to quizzes, newsletters, and the Canadian Osteoporosis Patient Network (COPN).
National Osteoporosis Foundation
Provides information on various aspects of living with osteoporosis, promoting bone health, and links to other accredited resources.
Dietitians of Canada
Provides links to an online calcium calculator, helpful tips to add more calcium into your diet, and lists of calcium rich foods.
In Motion
Provides helpful resources linking you to activities happening in your community. The complete In Motion guide is available online filled with samples of exercises, tips on healthy eating, and keeping active.
Health Canada
Focuses on providing information on how to minimize your risk for osteoporosis, examines health effects, and general overview of osteoporosis.
For more information on osteoporosis, be sure to visit your local Osteoporosis Canada chapter!
Before Starting a New Exercise Program Make Sure to:
•Check with your healthcare provider before starting any osteoporosis exercise program.
•Physical therapists are a great resource for evaluating if an exercise program is safe and meets the needs of individuals.
•Don’t do exercises that cause pain.
•Stretch before and after exercise.
•Choose a facility, leader or trainer who knows the exercise restrictions associated with osteoporosis.
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